Kee Zhen Xian
President of Leo Club Legacy Singapore (LCLS)
Founder & Chairperson of Bedok View Secondary School Alumni (Youth Wing) (BVSSAYW)
Founder & Chairman of the Youth Empowerment Association (YEA) Singapore
Voluntary youth mentor for ground-ups
Dedicated to youth empowerment and inspiring charitable values among our people
Amir Rahman
Vice President of Leo Club Legacy Singapore (LCLS)
Voluntary youth mentor for ground-ups
Technical Consultant
Dedicated to mental health and well-being and inspiring charitable values among our people
Ng Z'teng
Secretary of Leo Club Legacy Singapore (LCLS)
Dedicated to youth empowerment and inspiring charitable values among our people
Jonathan Quek
Treasurer of Leo Club Legacy Singapore (LCLS)
Founder of Globespeech
Dedicated to youth empowerment and inspiring charitable values among our people
Dedicated to youth empowerment and inspiring charitable values among our people
Dedicated to youth empowerment and inspiring charitable values among our people